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Hall Company Inc. is locally owned and has operated in Central Florida since 1983. During this time, we have created both a highly successful asphalt division and site development division. Our expertly trained teams have acquired an extensive range of expertise, professionalism, and an impressive edge in both areas

  • What is the best time of year to sealcoat?
    Ideally the best time of year for driveway sealcoating is between May and October. However, you will want to check the forecast to be as sure it will not rain while the driveway is setting. It is important to not touch or drive on the seal coated driveway for at least 12 hours.
  • How long should asphalt sealcoating last?
    Properly sealcoated asphalt should last 3-5 years although many variable may affect that time frame.
  • Is it necessary to sealcoat asphalt?
    Although not a necessary aspect of regular asphalt maintenance, sealcoating a parking lot or driveway can offer some benefits. The sun's ultraviolet rays and oxygen in the air can damage asphalt, making it brittle. Brittle asphalt can crack, allowing water to enter the paved surface.
  • What does asphalt sealing do?
    Sealcoating fills surface voids, which reduces exposure to oxygen and UV rays and reduces the depth to which oil or gas can penetrate the asphalt. It acts as a waterproofing agent, minimizing the rate at which water enters the asphalt of your driveway or parking lot.
  • How long does Sealcoat take to cure?
    New asphalt should cure a minimum of 30 to 60 days. Once the asphalt is free from oils and sufficiently cured you can apply the sealer.
  • Is sealcoating corrective maintenace?
    No, it is not.
  • Do repairs need to be made before sealcoating?
    Absolutely, if repairs are needed they should be done prior to sealcoating so when the project is completed the coloring is uniform.
  • How do I know if my asphalt needs to be sealcoated or repaved?
    If your asphalt is relatively new (less than 8 years old) you most likely will only need minimal repairs and sealcoating. If your asphalt is aged (more than 8 years old), very worn or hasn’t been properly maintained it is likely that you will need a complete repave. However, every situation is unique. Please allow one of our qualified experts to come out and asses your property and provide you with a free estmate.
  • My business is open 7 days a week with heavy customer traffic. How would I go about sealcoating, repaving or repairing my asphalt without inconveniencing my customers?"
    We at Hall Company strive on customer satisfaction and would be glad to work days, nights and weekends to accommodate your companies needs. Please allow one of our experts to come out and draw a strategic plan of approach so the inconvenience factor is slight to non-existant.
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